Saturday, January 26, 2013

Noticed a Lump in Neck

Lump in Neck - Did you find a lump in you neck? There are several possible causes of the lump. It could be that you are infected lymph nodes. Lymph nodes is one of the anti-bodies to fight bacteria and tumor cells that enter the body. Lymph nodes are spread in the body. This gland has a very important role for the human body.

<img src="" alt="Lump in Neck, cause of Lump in Neck, Lump in Neck Symptoms, Lump in Neck Treatment "/>

A lump in neck can be caused by infection of organs. Swelling caused by a reaction to an infection of the lymph nodes are. In addition, the swelling is also the body's mechanisms to defend themselves from germs.

Lymph nodes found in neck, armpits, between the thighs, and in the stomach. Swelling can occur if the body has an infection.

Gland infection itself is divided into two non-specific infection that is caused by infection of other organs of inflammation and the presence of specific infections tubercolusis (TBC) glands or venereal disease. "In terms of clinical symptoms, the pain begins gland tuberculosis prolonged fever, cough length, decreased appetite, and the emergence of the lumps in the neck or armpit, and between the thighs. However, the most common is the presence of a lump in the neck."

lump in neck, armpits and between the thighs may ooze pus, lumps will usually clustered. When you find a lump in the neck, see a doctor immediately. This is an act of anticipation gland tuberculosis prevention. The sooner get help, the easier the treatment done. 

Monday, September 3, 2012

I Find Lump in Neck

The human body is very vulnerable to attack infections. Swollen lymph nodes usually causes a lump in neck. Immunity is very important when we are attacked by the body's infection. Food and beverages to be a very important factor to maintain the stability of our bodies. For those of you who like exercising and eating foods that contain high fiber and nutrients will be hard infected with the disease.

A lump in neck can be caused by inflammation of the lymph nodes. All organs of our body have different functions, if one organ we disturbed it will impact all of our body. Maintaining health is a must and can not be ignored.

When our bodies are attacked by bacteria, usually the lymph glands have swollen, it is our body's mechanisms to defend themselves from germs. When our throats swell, it will be sore all over its body, it will certainly cause we can not indulge as usual. when you find there is lump in neck, you do not need to worry, because it is a mechanism in our immune system

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Thyroxine Hormone Deficiency Causes a Lump in Neck

Thyroid gland is largest gland than most other glands. This gland is located in the neck, on the inside, attached to the trachea below the larynx. The thyroid gland also contribute to our growth as in the thyroid gland hormones are thyroxine and triiodothyronine hormone, the hormone also affects the metabolic processes in our bodies. Both hormones are resultant from the food we eat, foods that contain iodine is ingested, and in transport by the blood. Iodine in the blood is then absorbed by the thyroid gland, when the food we eat does not contain iodine, the thyroid gland can not produce thyroid hormone, so it will cause many problems for our health.

 Thyroxine Hormone

In addition to affecting metabolic processes in our body, thyroxine hormone also affects our body temperature regulation. So if the food we eat in the long term has little iodine, it could lead to an enlarged thyroid gland, because the thyroid has to work hard to produce thyroxine, so it will cause a lump in neck.

When our bodies lack the hormone thyroxine growth will be slow, this is not for the children who are still in a growth spurt. In addition, intelligence tends to decline.

If children have iodine deficiency in a long time and quite long, usually their growth will be slow, and they tend to grow as an idiot child, cretinism.

Never too late to fix the pattern of food we eat, lack of iodine in very small amounts can still be overcome by adding a salt containing iodine in the food we eat. Hopefully this article useful for you all.


Well, this time we will discuss about the mumps. This disease be caused by swelling or growth of the thyroid is not normal, so that, in patients with thyroid disease will usually have a lump in neck. In general, the disease is caused by a deficiency of iodine in the diet.

 Symptoms of Mumps

  • Swelling of the salivary glands 
  • The mouth feel tight and painful, especially when chewing and swallowing food 
  • Appetite is reduced 
  • Often feel sick even to vomiting repeatedly 
  • A high body temperature
  • Often feel the buzz in the ear

As described above, thyroid disease is caused by iodine deficiency, then the easiest way to prevent mumps is to eat salt containing iodine, salts of this type is very easy to get, price is not too expensive, is generally outstanding salt containing iodine.

Mumps usually causes a malignant tumor, this is usually daunting for people with mumps. In addition to medical, mumps is also very disturbing in terms of our social, mumps causes low self-esteem and a sense of shame for our appearances look bad.


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Lump in Neck: Sign of Head and Neck Cancer

Lump in neck can be a sign that someone is suffering from head and neck cancer. This cancer usually appears on someone who has over 59 years old. Cancers of the head and neck cancer is cancer of the brain, eyes and spinal cord

 <img src="" alt="Lump in Neck, Sign of Head and Neck Cancer , cause of Head and Neck Cancer, symptoms of Head and Neck Cancer, Head and Neck Cancer patients "/>
Head and Neck Cancer

Head and neck cancer is easily spread, the cancer can spread quickly and infect other body parts. Parts of the body's most rapid spread are the lymph nodes that usually would lead to someone having a lump in neck.

After a lapse of 3 to 6 months, head and neck cancer will usually spread to other body parts. The spread of cancer to other body parts are usually derived from large tumors or tumors that persist and are more common in people with immune system disorders.

Lump in neck usually last more than 2 weeks. So, once you find a lump in neck, should be immediately checked by a doctor. In addition to the head and neck cancer, a lump in neck can also be a sign of other cancers such as mouth cancer, throat, larynx, thyroid gland or some kind of lymphoma or blood cancer. The lump is usually painless and continue to grow.

Causes of head and neck cancer are smoking and consuming alcohol. 

Beware Rise of Lump in Neck

Lump in neck - Every organ of the body that God created to human being must have its own role to one's survival. Including the lymph nodes. If the views of his role, this gland has a role as the first entry of germ defense, and tumor cells into the body.

 <img src="" alt="Beware rise of Lump in Neck, Lump in Neck, lymph node"/>
Lump in Neck

Lymph node itself is contained in several different parts of the body. Starting from the neck, armpits, between the thighs, as well as in the stomach. And if there is infection in the body, usually the gland will swell and cause a lump in neck.

Infection of the gland itself is divided into two non-specific infection that is caused by infection of inflammation of other organs and the presence of specific infections tuberculosis (TB) glands or venereal disease.

"When viewed from the clinical symptoms, suffer prolonged fever begins gland tuberculosis, long cough, decreased appetite, and appearance of the lumps in the neck or armpit, as well as between the thighs. However, the most common is a lump in neck".

Lump that is enlarged it will usually appear in groups. And one of the lumps that would rupture and release fluids such as pus. So that, as a precaution if it happens a lump in the body such as neck, armpits, between the thighs immediately went to the doctor. Because it may be, the lump is an early sign of a person exposed to TB gland.

Therefore, the earlier the person know what type of illness, the rapid handling will also be easier to do.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

How To Treat Thyroid Cancer - Lupm in Neck

Thyroid cancer is very rare result of excessive enlargement of the thyroid gland that is often not realized because they do not interfere. Thyroid gland Cancer causes the growth of nodules or lumps in neck and does not cause pain.

 <img src="" alt="How To Treat Thyroid Cancer, Thyroid Cancer, Lupm in Neck "/>
Nuclear Medicine

"A lump that grows as nodules in the thyroid gland and cause lump in neck are generally benign and harmless". How to tell the thyroid lump, is by palpating the neck area, which is Adam's apple in men. Need to be vigilant if there are lumps in the neck which is characterized by pain at the time of pressing neck. Known, the lump in thyroid gland will come to move on when we swallow to swallow saliva. In addition, with a hoarse voice due to nodules that grow slightly pressed into the throat.

"About 10% -20% of patients who seek treatment at an endocrine clinic patients with thyroid disorders and as much as 5% to 10% of cases it is malignant and the cause is not clearly known." 

men over the age of 50-60 years, the number of ferocity would be high due to the stimulation of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) was different. You should be aware of the occurrence of malignancy in thyroid nodules when its dense, hard, and it is not fluid (cystic), there were only one, and a sudden onset of rapid growth. However, thyroid cancer is not to be feared because of slow progress and the recovery rate is high. To reduce the recurrence rate and prolong the life expectancy of thyroid cancer patients, the integrated management needs to be done in various ways.

 First, to determine the malignancy of the thyroid gland, needs to be done laboratory tests to determine thyroid gland function and the sign of the tumor, which is check TSH, T3, and T4, and calcitonin tiroglobin. Can also be made ​​plain neck. Second, to ensure lump in neck, a fine needle biopsy should be done, that took a bit of fluid contained in the lump by using very fine needles that do not cause excessive pain, which would differentiate these lumps. 

Once clear of cancer types contained in this lump, surgery will be performed (thyroiddectomy) to remove the entire tumor tissue and their thyroid glands. The next stage of the ablation performed if still found the remains, namely by giving small doses of radioactive iodine liquid that dripped into the mouth.

"Once the cells are removed and disposed of thyroid ablation was then performed, the patient does not have automated the thyroid gland so that the patient was again referred to as hypothyroidism."

This needs to be done during thyroid hormone substitution therapy with appropriate doses. "After that, monitoring or detection needs to be done again to see whether there is a recurrence of the thyroid through fingerprints. The trick with the nuclear radio examination or blood tests to look for signs of the emergence of cancer cells ".