Friday, August 3, 2012

Diseases Caused by Lump in Neck

After we discuss the causes of lump in neck in the previous article, now we will discuss about any disease that could arise from a lump in neck. There are several possible diseases can arise from enlarged lymph nodes around the area, neck, thigh or armpit. However, we now discuss specifically in area around neck.

Initially, lump in neck can be identified early symptoms of lymphatic cancer. However, this diagnosis is not absolute, because there are few other diseases that may arise other than lymphatic cancer. So you do not need to worry, you only need to be vigilant so that then get early treatment by a doctor.

 <img src="" alt="Lump in neck, people with lump in neck, disease cuased by lump in neck"/>
People with Lump in Neck

Diseases that may arise from lump in neck:

  • Enlarged lymph nodes
  1. Lymph node tumors 
  2. Gland tuberculosis 
  3. The spread of cancer 
  4. Bacterial infections
  • Enlarged thyroid gland
  1. Heperitiroidisme 
  2. Hypothyroidism
  3. Tumors of the thyroid gland
  • Pemebesaran pituitary saliva
  1. Parotid tumors 
  2. Parotid
  • Ulcers (usually accompanied by pain and redness)

Well, that's some disease that could arise as a result of lump in neck. Now, you can identify it by karekterisktik lump in the neck. You can feel it, whether elastic or not, whether it can be shifted or not, pa sore, getting bigger, are preceded by inflammation. Once you identify it physically, you should check to make sure the doctor for a physical.

Thus our discussion about the lump in neck this time, may be useful.

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